A Different Way of Being
A soulful exploration of life.
Online or live Spring 2025.
With connection at its heart, A Different Way of Being invites you to explore life and living in through the lens of soul.
A Different Way of Being isn’t new. A Different Way of Being is about remembering. Remembering who you are, remembering the connection we have with nature, with how we nurture and how we are in relationship - relationship with those around us, with Mother Earth and with life.
A different way of being is an experience, an exploration of yourself and of life.
It welcomes you back into the warmth of compassion and belonging, it shows you how you’ll always be enough, in a world where scarcity reigns.
You’ll explore what it is to be you, how you live - from the stories you tell yourself to the connection you have with the seasons, with nourishment and food.
We can become dominated by the way we think we should live, by the way it’s always been done, and by the way everyone else is living. But if you could choose, what would you choose for you and your life?
Explore A Different Way of Being

Discover an embodied way of being.
A way of being for the heart and soul.
A way of being uniquely for you.
A Different Way of Being invites you into a different relationship with life
Through A Different Way of Being you’ll learn:
That it isn’t you that’s not enough, it’s the systems we are part of and that we live in.
What it is to feel a deep sense of belonging and how you can start to welcome yourself back with love and compassion.
How life is never one thing or another, it’s a complex web of everything. One where beauty sits side by side with grief. One where it’s stormy and violent and joyful too,
How to restore connection with your beautiful, amazing body. How food can become a deep source of nourishment and how nourishment goes far beyond food. What it is to come to a loving acceptance for the body that you’re travelling with in this lifetime.
How to come to a place of compassion and gentleness and move away from the relentless inner battle that’s perpetuated by the systems we live in.
How to slow down in a busy world, to invite in rest and play. To come to know that busyness isn’t connected to your inherent value + worth.
How to come back into connection with you, your emotions, the parts of you that you have outcast and shamed. You’ll welcome yourself back.
How to come back into connection with life, all of life the imperfections and the messiness, the beauty and the joy.
And A Different Way of Being asks you to play again, to explore fun, enchantment and magic, to connect back into the things you love.
The Modules
Module One
Meeting Yourself
The beautiful thing about this programme is that you get to meet yourself and this is where we start.
Module Two
Exploring what it means to cultivate a sense of compassion. To remove the harsh words and the inner battle.
Module Three
We explore acceptance and look at all the parts of yourself that you push away, alongside the imperfections of life.
Module Four
Light and Shade
This week we explore what it means to live with the full range of emotions. Removing the judgement coming to know what it is to feel.
Module Five
This week is all about connection to yourself, to mother nature and the rhythms of life. We explore nourishment through food and beyond.
Module Six
This is about your inner trust with yourself and with life. Coming back to the flow and grace in life.
Module Seven
Exploring the beauty and enchantment of life. What it means to live from your heart and soul.
Module Eight
The Final Dance
An important and beautiful part of the process. You complete by reflecting and honouring your journey.

The Details
THE LIVE EXPERIENCE - Starting Spring 2025
The Live Experience is designed to take you into a deeper exploration with support from myself and the community we build. It includes:
8 videos, one for each module and theme.
8 workbooks to guide you and explore in greater depth.
Guided meditations to support you through the process.
Exercises and inspiration throughout the programme such as meditations, books and things to watch (updated for the live experience).
Lifetime access to the content so you can revisit whenever you want.
There will be two life sessions per week; a teaching session to go deeper into the video content + a sharing and coaching circle where you can bring specific issues or questions so you can be personally supported.
A community of people (there are 20 spaces, including lower fee and scholarship places). Community is at the heart of everything I do. I know that it can sometimes be challenging to come into community but working together this way, you’ll see that you’re not alone. And you may just make connections and friendships for life (as people have done previously).
Community support through an online platform where we can share and build relationships.
There’s also the option of additional one-to-one support for a lower fee.
The Cost:
£670 or 3 monthly payments of £224
If you require a lower fee, or a longer payment plan please get in touch. I never turn anyone away, if A Different Way of Being is for you, get in touch.
8 videos, one for each module and theme.
8 workbooks to guide you and explore in greater depth.
Guided meditations to support you through the process.
Exercises and inspiration throughout the programme such as meditations, books and things to watch.
Lifetime access to the content so you can revisit whenever you want.
You can go at your own pace, you can choose to go through each module weekly, or you can move through more quickly, or more slowly, whatever feels right for you.
The Cost:
£299 or 3 monthly payments of £100
If you want to find out more about A Different Way of Being
If you have any questions or want to find out more
you can book a complimentary 45 minute call