Life & Soul Mentoring

One-to-one support for life’s thresholds and initiations


Many of us will be impacted by the experiences of this lifetime. Sometimes it feels as if we might break. Life Mentoring offers you a haven in troubled times.


There are many ways we can be impacted by life, where we are irrevocably impacted and changed by life. Moments where our experiences not only change our lives but also who we are.

We, and our lives, are forever changed.

In these moments it can be hard to find ground, to know which way to turn. Life Mentoring offers you this space. A place to go where you can be held, a space of deep listening that supports you in navigating life.

I know what it is for life to bring you to your knees, to fall apart at the seams and I know what it is to piece your life back together. I also know what it is for life to change in ways you never expect. That out of intimate suffering something beautiful can emerge, something unexpected, a place where beauty and joy are met once again. This is Life Mentoring.

And sometimes life can just be hard, there may be no momentous occasion, or anything that you can pin something to, it may just feel hard, life mentoring supports you in all of life.

We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfaction of happy hour. We are the inheritors of an amazing lineage, rippling with memories of life lived intimately with bison and gazelle, raven and nights sky. We are designed to encounter this life with amazement and wonder, not resignation and endurance.

Francis Weller

The uniqueness of Life Mentoring is that it comes into contact with all of who you are, it explores mind, body, emotions and soul, nothing is left unturned.

It’s aim is to bring you back to life, to it’s intricacies and it’s fullness. To come out of survival and to meet a more beautiful and intentional life, no matter what you might be experiencing.

Through Life Mentoring I will be your guide, I won’t try to fix you or make things better. I will support you with the deepest compassion, whilst challenging the parts that get stuck or blocked, I call it compassionate challenge.

This is a space of deep listening, of holding, and always without judgement.

Everything is welcome in this space, all of you is welcome in this space.

Together we’ll leave shame and judgement at the door (or at least we’ll work though these elements), to honour this part of life that you’re in. It deserves honouring.

The experience

There are two ways you can come into Life Mentoring

  • The 6 month programme

    Deep Exploration: Looking at all of who you are; from the symptoms you experience in your body, to what you’ve experienced in your life, how you’re feeling and what’s present for you today. You’ll receive a welcome pack to complete that starts your journey and explores the intricacies of you.

    1.5 hr Initial Session: This is where we’ll begin, either online or in person, together we’ll explore what you want and what you need. We’ll set the stall for our time together.

    Bespoke Healing Plan: Using the four pillars; mind, body, emotions and soul, I will create your bespoke healing plan that will not only support where you are in your life now, but also act as your support system as you move through your life. This includes a supplement plan.

    Monthly Sessions: We will have two calls a month (an hour in length) where we’ll explore where you are, how what you’re experiencing is impacting you. (11 sessions after the initial intensive.)

    Ad-hoc support: You can get in touch with me between sessions for support at agreed times (Monday to Thursday) when life is showing you something where you need that bit of extra support.

  • Monthly one-to-one sessions

    Two hourly sessions per month (minimum): We’ll meet twice a month via zoom, on the same day, at the same time (to be mutually agreed).

    Weekly option available: If you’d like to have weekly sessions rather than bi-weekly this is also an option.

    3 month commitment: I ask for a 3 month commitment initially, this way of working is designed to create a longer term relationship and you can then choose to continue our work together if that feels right for you.

    Flexibility: This way of working provides flexibility and allows ease in our working relationship.

    Sliding scale: I offer a sliding scale so that you’re able to pay what you can afford, if this is still prohibitive then please get in touch, I can offer support to welcome you in. I ask that if you’re able to pay more, that you honour this, as this allows me to support those who need more financial support.

    Contact: All contact will be through our one-to-one sessions. You’re able to contact me via email if anything arises, and I’ll ask that we either book in an additional session to support you, or you bring everything to your next session.

    Drop-in: If you’ve worked with me before, you’re able to book in for one-off sessions to check-in and remember.

I offer lower fee places and longer payment plans, if you’d like to work with me in this way, please get in touch. Email me at Everyone is welcome.

If you’d like to explore if Life Mentoring is for you

Or if you have any questions and simply want to find out more
book a complimentary call.