I am Human too
I’ve been wanting to get these words on paper all week. They’ve been very present for me and as the week has gone on, this thread of being human, has kept showing itself.
I am human too.
I am flawed and fallible. I get it wrong. I’m messy. The voices in my head are just as loud as the voices in your head. I get angry, frustrated, sad. I cry. I forget to bring in compassion and can be hard on myself (very hard on myself).
I’m all of what it means to be human.
We try so hard to hide these parts of ourselves, to be this perfect version of ourselves, so in some way we can be acceptable to others. And even to ourselves. That if I’m perfect in every way, then I might just feel whole or good enough.
But what if it’s the opposite?
What if in showing all of ourselves, in being all of ourselves, we start to put the pieces of us back together?
What if we get messy with those we love and create a deeper sense of intimacy?
You know that feeling when a friend shares something, and suddenly you’re overwhelmed with relief “me too”.
It’s extraordinary that when allow ourselves to truly share what’s going on for us, to truly share all of who we are, we can connect deeper.
It’s not about eradicating those parts of ourselves that we’ve somehow shunned, or deemed unacceptable. Because that’s impossible. They’re part of who we are.
They’re actually part of all of us. We all feel these feelings, we all have these voices in our heads, we are all trying to get by in this crazy thing we call life.
So I’m here to tell you that I’m human too. That I grapple with all the same things that you do.
I want to sit alongside you, knowing that we’re here together.